Brief CV
Dr. Ali Shamaei
Associate Professor, Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
Department: Human Geography
Office University: 021 86070786
Mobile: 09122063720
PhD. 1995-2001, Doctor of Geography and Urban Planning, Geography Department, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, University of Tehran, Iran
M.A. 1987-1990, Master of Human Geography (Orientation: urban Geography, Geography Department, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, University of Tehran, Iran
B.A. 1983-1987, Bachelor of Human Geography, Geography Department, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, University of Tehran, Iran
2.Research Interests
Urban and Regional Spatial Development, Urban Spatial Analysis, Urban Rehabilitation and Renovation and informal settlements, Urban Tourism
1. Chosen cultural researcher, 2011
2. Top Researcher in Yazd province, 2002
3. Chosen seventh period of dissertation of student choice in 2002
4. Provincial choice seventh National Assembly privileged students and scholars Country 1999
5. Elected PhD student in 1997
6. University chosen research in 2015
4.Employment experiences
1. Director of the Department of Urban and Regional Studies area of central Iran, Yazd University Institute for Human Sciences, 2003
2. Assistant superintendent of student, kharazmi University, Campus of Tehran, from December 2009 until April 2011
3. Student Assistant of Kharazmi University from April 2011 till March 2014
4. Secretary of the Special Commission of Kharazmi University, 2011
5. Council to investigate specific cases of Tehran universities and higher education institutions (Ministry of Science, Research and Technology) in 2012 to 2014
6. Candidate eighth Parliament elections, the constituency Ardestān city, in 2007
7. The Executive Committee representative to attract faculty members of the Working Group on the ability of applicants to join the faculty from 2009 to 2014
8. Member of attracting excellent faculty members in the bands history and geography Award 2009 to 2014
9. Attract faculty member of the Executive Board Award from the center of attraction Secretary of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology from 2011 to 2015
10. Top festival jury member scientific committee research and innovation in urban management, planning and research center in Tehran
11. Commission set up cultural, educational and social audit board Kharazmi University from 2011 to 2013
12. Commission set up cultural, educational and social audit board the Kharazmi University since 2011 for 2 years
13. Festival jury member scientific committee Top of research and innovation in urban management from 2011
14. The Executive Committee representative in the working group reviewed scientific potential applicants Khwarizmi College attract faculty member in the School of Geographical Sciences, 2011
15. Imam Ali Fund Board of Trustees in Kharazmi University from 2011
16. Inspection Governor in parliament in the parliamentary election in the constituency city shemiranat, 2012
17. Student Welfare Fund chief representative to address and resolve issues and student welfare Alborz Province by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, 2012
18. Member of Editorial Board of Journal of urban areas Studies at the University of Kerman, since 2014
19. Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Urban Ecology, University of Peyam Nour, since 2015
20. Secretary of Dispute Resolution and Disciplinary Council at Kharazmi University’s Students Guidance Council
21. Geography and Urban Planning Commission member specialized in geography and planning committee of specialized commissions, since 2014
22. The members of neighborhood councils Zaferanieh, District 2, Region 1 the Municipality of Tehran, since 2014
23. The representative of deputy dean of Islamic city council of Tehran
5.Teaching experiences
Urban pathology, principles and methods of urban planning, development and urban renewal, Iranian cities and urban development plans, research, law and municipal laws, urbanization and urban planning in Iran, population analysis, planning and regional Regional School and geographical theories, urban land use planning, the theoretical foundations of Islamic cities
)Teaching experience: 29 years at tehran, yazd, Imam Hossein , Payam Noor, azad nd kharazmi university)
1. Writing `urban Rehabilitation and Renovation a Geographic Perspective "Tehran University Press, First Edit: 2005, fifth Edit: 2013
2. Translate "qualitative research methods in the social sciences" Yazd University Press, Publish 2005
3. Wrote 'indigenous urban planning and modern in Iran ", ready to publish
4. Wrote 'land use planning and regional planning in arid regions of Iran. ", ready to publish
5. Wrote 'land, beaches north and south of Iran. ", ready to publish
6. wrote 'the principles and methods of urban planning in Iran. ", ready to publish
7. wrote urban Geography of Iran. "ready to publish”
8. Ideologies, theories and spatial policies in geography and urban planning
1- Pourahmad, A., & Shamai, A. (2001). Physical development and its impact on the population structure of the old texture of Yazd. Letter of Social Sciences, Tehran University, 20(18), 3-29.
2- Shamai, A. (2003). Uneven development of urban space and its effects on the ecology of the city of Yazd.Geographical Research, Tehran University, 35(46), 19-37.
3- Shamai, A., & Pour Ahmad, A. (2004). Survey of Approaches to the organization of urban old textures Iran. International Journal of Geography, Geographical Society of Iran, 2(3), 53-68.
4- Pour Ahmad, A., & Shamai, A. (2004). Analysis of the policies and programs of rehabilitation and urban renewal programs in developing countries. Geographical Research, Tehran University, 36(49), 179-202.
5- Shamai, A., & Asghari, H. (2009). User pathology secondary school in Ilam using GIS. Applied Research of Geographical Sciences, University of Khwarizmi, 8(13), 103-138.
6- Shamai, A. (2010). The role of traditional urban patterns in modern city of Yazd. Journal Of Studies On Iranian Islamic City (QUARTERLY), 1(1), 97-109.
7- Shamai, A., & Azimi, A., & Faraji Molai, A. (2011). Analysis of hierarchy vulnerability in Babolsar city neighborhoods to reduce earthquake hazards. Applied Research of Geographical Sciences, University of Kharazmi, 10(20), 123-145.
8- Shamai, A., & Azimi, A., & Faraji Molai, A. (2011). Effects of Urbanization on improving the quality of life for residents of rural areas. Urban Management Studies, Azad University, 3(5), 129-155.
9- Shamai, A., & Azimi, A., & Faraji Molai, A. (2011). Disparities Analysis quality of life in city neighborhoods. International Journal of Geography, Geographical Society of Iran, 3(33), 253-280.
10- Shamai, A., &Mosavand, J. (2011). The cities of Isfahan province in terms of tourism infrastructure by using TOPSIS and AHP. Urban and Regional Studies and Research, University of Isfahan, 3(10), 23-40.
11- Shamai, A., & Mahmoudi, M. (2011). Measure the satisfaction of Babolsar University students. Journal of Urban Planning research, Azad University, 2(6), 71-86.
12- Shamai, A., & Jahani, R. (2012). The effects of vertical development of neighborhood identity Case Study: District 7 of Tehran. Journal of Studies on Iranian Islamic City (Quarterly), 2(6), 73-82.
13- Movahed, A., & Shamai, A., & Zanganeh, A. (2012). Recognition physical identity in Islamic cities (case study: Rey). Journal of Regional Planning, Azad University, 2(5), 37-51.
14- Shamai, A., &Zarepour, M.R. (2012). Analysis of Population and Housing in Bushehr during the years 1987 till 2006 and forecasts up to the year 2026. Journal of Iran Social Issues, Tehran University, 3(1), 135-162.
15- Shamai, A., & Adinevand,. & Hajizadeh, M. (2012). Evaluating the performance of municipalities on urban good governance (Case Study: Yasouj). Urban Management Studies, University, 4(11), 1-20.
16- Shamai, A., & Heydarzadeh, N., & Lotfi Moghadam, B. (2013). Assessment of damage caused by the earthquake in the region one of Tehran using GIS, Geography and Planning, University of Tabriz, 17(43), 93-122.
17- Valinouri, S., & Shamai, A., & Movahed, A. (2013). Physical-spatial inequality in the metropolises of the world of Islam) Comparative Analysis Tehran and Cairo). Cultural Geography of the Islamic world, Imam Reza International University, 2(6), 69-81.
18- Shamai, A., & Ghanbari., & Einshahi Mirza, M. (2013). Spatial analysis of urban crime in 22 districts of Tehran Metropolis. Security and Social Order Strategic Studies Journal, Isfahan University, 2(6), 117-130.
19- Shamai, A., & Veisi, R., & Ahmadi, S. (2013). User comparative analysis recreational areas in the municipality of Isfahan in the period 1996 – 2006, Geographical explorations of the desert, Yazd University, 1(2), 147-172.
20- Shamai, A., & Movahed, A., & Mohammadian, H. (2014). Globalization and Islamic cities in the Middle East. International Journal of geopolitics, Iran's geopolitical Forum, 9(4), 107-124.
21- Jahani, R., & Shamai, A., & Jahani, S. (2014). Measurement of neighborhood identity in Tehran with emphasis on the role of public institutions (Case Study, District 7 of Tehran). Applied Research Geographical Sciences, University of Kharazmi, 13(31), 191-210.
22- Movahed, A., & Shamai, A., & Ahmadifard, N., & Jahangir, E. (2014). Locate Regional Museum in Gilan. New Perspectives in Human Geography, Azad University, 6(11), 85-102.
23- Shamai, A., & Aghai, P., & Heydari, S. (2014). Investigate and analyze the degree of citizen participation in urban management, with an emphasis on neighborhood management (Case Study: Jamaran Neighborhood, the fourth district, a region of Tehran). Urban Management Studies, Azad University, 5(16), 31-42.
24- Shamai, A., & Talkhabi, H.R. (2014). Rehabilitation and optimal management priorities renew this study: the central part of Arak. Journal of Zagros a geographic perspective, Azad University, 5(18), 45-62.
25- Pourmosavi, M., & Shamai, A., & Ahadnejad, M., & Eshghi, A., & Khosravi, S. (2014). Vulnerability Assessment city buildings with fuzzy AHP model and GIS Case Study: Tehran 3rd District. Geography and Development, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, 18(4), 121-138.
26- Shamai, A., & Tabei, N., & Hamidi, M.S. (2014).Using multivariate analysis, decision making (e) in the ranking of regions in Ahwaz. The Journal of Spatial Planning, Tarbiat Modarres University, 18(1), 25-52.
27- Shamai, A., & Hajinejad, S. (2014). Spatial analysis metropolitan area networks in Khorasan during the years 1957 to 2011, Geography and regional development, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, 12(22), 55-82.
28- Shamai, A., & Jomhouri, M.A. (2014). Investigation and analysis on the development of urban systems Ilam province during 1966-2006, Journal of Regional Planning, Azad University, 4(14), 45-58.
29- Hossein pour, M., & Movahhed, A., & hesari, E., & Rashidi,A., & Shamai, A. (2014). Assessment and Feasibility of Tourism Development in the Kanibarazan Wetland of Mahabad, Iran., Journal of Civil Engineering and Urbanism, 4(4), 415-422, ISC
30- Shamai, A., & Hossienpour, S. (2014). Physical – spatial analysis of Yasuj city for the purpose of urban environment sustainability, Journal of Civil Engineering and Urbanism, 4(1), 415-422, ISC
31- Shamai, A., & Saeli Aleamin, A.R., & Hajinezhad, Sh. (2014). The Arrangement of Special Reference System of Cities in Iran based on Different Provinces of the Country during 1956-2011, International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sciences, 3(8), 439-442, ISC.
32- Saeli Aleamin, A.R., & Shamai, A., & Bahmani, M. (2014). The Role of Mosques as Centers of Giving Identity in the Neighborhoods of Tehran City: A Case Study of Ahmadieh Mosque in Narmak Neighborhood , Iran, World Applied Programming, 49(11), 224-229, ISC.
33- Shamai, A., & Abdollahi, A., & Yousefi Fashki, M. (2014). Analytical approach to development planning Sardasht city development strategies (CDS), Geopolitical landscape in human studies, Azad University, 3(27), 35-51.
34- Shamai, A., & Abdollahi, M., & Hajinejad, S. (2014). Assessment of the development of spatial-physical components of a comprehensive plan of Bijar., Geography, urban planning studies, Tehran University, 2(2), 253-276.
35- Shamai, A., & Ahmadabadi, F., & Ahmadabadi, H. (2014). The impacts of Guide Plan assessment projects in rural settlements, (CASE STUDY: city of Nishapur), Research and rural planning, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, 3(6), 75-88.
36- Shamai, A., & Malekan, J., & Sadegi, P. (2014). These poor people Empowerment strategies of urban vergers by using of QSPM- Case Study: Shohada Town – City of Songor, Sepehr Journal, 23(90), 25-39.
37- Malekzadeh, A., & Shamai, A., & Amirhajilou, E. (2014). Evaluation of transnational functions Tabriz, Journal of geographical space, Azad University, 4(47), 39-66.
38- Shamai, A., & Movahed, A., & Veisi, R. (2014). Spatial analysis of drug-related offenses in Tehran (Case Study: Tehran 2nd District), Journal of Social issues in Iran, Tehran University, 5(2), 243-272.
39- Shamai, A., & Aghajani, N., & Aghababai, A. (2014). Tourism Development in Taloqan using bioclimatic index and Swot, Studies in Urban Planning, University of Mazandaran, 2(8), 149-172.
40- Abya, H., & Movahed, A., & Shamai, A., & Nasiri khalili, M. M. (2014). The Determining of Tourism Climate Calendar of Chosen Geomorphosites in Kermanshah Province by Pereira and TCI index, MAGNT Research Report, 3(2), 360-366, ISC.
41- Shamai, A., & Abya, H., & Ebrahimi, M. (2015). Factors influencing citizen participation in community management, Management science letters, 5(3), 407-412, ISC.
42- Mostafavi, S., & Sasanpour, F., & Movahed, A., & Shamai A. (2015). Polls quality of the environment in urban neighborhoods and planning for sustainable environment (Case Study: neighborhoods of Saqez), Urban and Regional Studies and Research, University of Isfahan, 6(24), 1-24.
43- Sasanpour, F., & Movahed, A., & Shamai, A., & Mostafavi, S. (2015). Analysis of factors affecting the promotion of environmental resolutions by using ANP (Case Study: Saqez, Journal of enviromental studies, Tehran University, 41(73), 143-161.
44- Shamai, A., & Hajinejad, S., & Ghazai, M. (2015).Searching the spatial structure of urban system in Kerman province (1957-2011), Journal of urban areas, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, 1(2), 99-118.
45- Shamai, A. (2015). Local development strategies by using of collaborative approach through the facilitation offices (case study: jomhori neighborhood worn texture in Tehran), Journal of community development, university of Tehran, 7(1), 103-128 p, 2016.
46- Shamai, A., & Talkhabi, H.R. (2015). Studying the zoning and capacity of deteriorated areas to urban renewal, Case Study: central city of Arak, Geographic preparation space Golestan University, 5(16), 137-149.
47- Heydari, T., & Shamai, A., & Sasanpour, F., & Soleimani, M., & Ahadnejad, M. (2015). Assess the viability of distressed areas and strategies to strengthen it (Case study: worn texture of Zanjan), Sustainable Cities, the Association of Geography and Urban Planning, 2(2), p23-43.
48- Shamai, A., & Mostafapour, L., & Yousefi, M. (2016).Spatial Analysis of Urban vulnerability Against Military Attacks in Piranshahr City, Spatial analysis of environment hazards journal, 2(3), 105-118.
49- Shamai, A., & Janbabanejad, M.H., & Zamani, Z. (2015). Evaluation the land use indexes of Babel city by emphasis on Healthy City’s per capita, Geography and planning, 19(54), 143-170.
50- Shamai, A., & Rahmati, H., & Sharif Hajitash, K0rde, N. (2016).Spatial analysis of the urban network of Kermanshah province (1996-2011), Journal of environmental planning, Azad University , 8(31), 55-76.
51- Shamai, A., & Salehi, A., & Hoseinpour, M. (2016). Spatial analysis on the development of border markets in baneh and piranshahr, Geographic preparation space Golestan University, 5(18), 189-200.
52- Shamai, A., Ghasemi Kfarudi, S., Moradi, S., (2016). Spatial-physical analysis of Karaj city development with emphasis on urban Urban Smart Growth indexes
53- Shamai, A. Fakhri purmohammadi, A., (2016). Spatial analysis of worn texture environmental quality (case study: Tehran municipality 11 district), Urban area researches, university of kerman, 3(6), 85-102.
54- Shamai, A., Teimouri, S., Bahrami, H.,(2016). Spatial Analysis of Population and Urban Services with Spatial Justice Approach (Case Study: Khorramabad City). Journal of Territory, Islamic Azad university, 13(49), p47-64.
55- Shamai, A., & Ahmadi, B. (2016). Spatial Analysis the Level of Development in Townships of Kurdistan province, Geographical space journal, university of golestan, 13(49), 117-128.
56- Shamai, A., & Weysian, M., & Asghari, A., & Kamangar, S. (2016). Spatial Analysis of the distribution crimes of robbery in the city Qorveh, Security and Social Order Strategic Studies Journal, 5(13), 89-104.
57- Shamai, A., & Lotfi Moghadam, B. (2016). Investigation of Compatibility Index in Urban Land Use Planning in Order to Stabilization the City's Economy, Case Study: Tehran’s 1 District) , Geography and planning journal , university of Tabriz, 20(57), 175-198.
58. Shamai, A., & Bigdeli, L. (2016). Livability Standards in Tehran’s 17 Distrcit, Geography Magazine, P: 175-198.
59. Shamai, A., & Fakhripour, A., & Zanganeh, A., & Parizadi, T. (2016). Assessment of satisfaction the underpasses function in Tehran (Case study: Valiasr underpass project), Studies of Urban Management, 8(27), p41-53.
60- Shamai, A., & Heydari, T., & Sasanpour, F., & Soleymani, M., & Ahadnejad, M. (2016). The Analysis of Livability in Urban Distressed Areas: old textures of Zanjan (A Case Study), Human geograghy researches journal, University of Tehran, Geographical space Journal, university of Ahar, 48(4), p783-799.
61. Shamai, A., & Eghbal, M.R. (2016). Effective Factors in promotion of Sidewalks quality in Iranian-Islamic cities (case study: imam hossein and 17 shahrivar sidewalk), Islamic Iranian Progress Model Biannul Journal Studies, 4(7), 171-194.
62. Shamai, A., & Talkhabi- H M.R Davood Poor Zohreh, Asghar Shakibaei. (2016). Traditional and new textures Analysis and provide native indexes Urban Development Planning Case study: Arak city (historical Textures and Amir Kabir) Journal of Studies on Iranian Islamic City,7(25), 71-82.
63. Shamai, A. & yaghoob nejad N, Saeidi kh & Amiri R (2016). Zonation and Spatial Planning Based on Physical- Spatial Characteristics Case Study: City of Urmia. Journal of Geography and EnvironmentaL Hazards University of Ma&shhad, 5(19), pp 95-113
64. Shamai, A., & Zarghami, S., Mohammedan Mosammam, H., tymury, A., (2016) Measuring and evaluating urban neighborhood’s resilience against earthquake: the case of Zanjan downtown, Journal of Research and Urban Planning, 7(27), pp77-99.
65. Ghafarian Bahraman, M., Parizadi, T., Shamai, A., Khatibizadeh, M. and Shahsavari, A. (2016). Spatial Analysis of Urban Urban Sustainability, Case Study of Tehran Metropolitan Area 18. Environmental Studies, University of Tehran, 7 (14), 45 – 48
66. Shamaie, A., Akbary, A., Movhed, A., Ahmadi, A. (2017). The Analysis of Spatial Reflections of Commercial Tourism in the North-West Frontier of Iran (case study Baneh City). Helix International Journal, 2 (8), 1372-1384
67. Sassanpour, F., Shamai, A., Asaar, S. (2017). The study of sustainable development of Isfahan city using ecological footprint method. Earth Knowledge Research, Shahid Beheshti University, 8 (29), 18 – 31
68. Shamai, A., Sassanpour, F. Moradi, S. (2017). Evaluation of Sustainability of Urban Neighborhoods Using Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods (Case Study: Neighborhoods in Sixth District of Tehran). Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Azad University, 19 (2), 147 -164
69. Shamai, A., Yousefi, S. (2017). Evaluation of Urban Development Plans from Citizens' Perspectives (Case Study: Implementation of Ahwaz's Salman Persian Street). Geography (Iranian Geographic Society), 11 (53), 113 – 132
70. Shamai, A., Fakhripur, A. (2017). The Role of Geographic Factors in Locating and Sustainable Development of Cities and Towns: Case Study: Ilam. New Approaches to Urban Sustainability in New Towns, Housing Research Center Book, 259 – 286
71. Shamai A., Shahsavar A. (2017). Assessing the quality of urban life in new cities (Case study: New Town of Parand), 14 (54), 1 – 17
72. Heidari, M. T, Shamai, A., Sassanpour, F., Soleimani, M. and Ahmadnejad, M. (2017). Analysis of Factors Affecting the Burden of Urban Textile Biomass (Case Study: Worn out Textures in Central Zanjan City), 17 (57), 1-25
73. Shamai A., Hosseini Siyah Goli, M. and Heydarinia, S. (2017). Assessing the Quality of Life in Harsin City, Geography and Environmental Studies, Islamic Azad University, Najaf Abad, 6 (23), 75 – 88
74. Shamai A., Fakhripor A. And zanganeh A. (2017). Quality of Life evaluation in Urban Areas Case Study: District 11th of Tehran Municipality, Geography and Urban Planning Researches, University of Tehran, volume 5, No.3. Pages 357-382
75. Sassanpoor, F., Shamai, A., Afsar, M and Saeedpour Sh. (2017). Natural hazards magazine Vulnerability City buildings against natural disasters (Earthquakes) (Case Study: Mohtasham Neighbourhood Kashan), Journal Of Natural Environment Hazards, Volume 4, Volume 6, Issue 14, pp.95-105.
76-Mostafa F , Shabani, H, Soleimani ,M, Shamaei ,A, Ghanavati, E, Ziyaeian, (2017) Spatial Development of Karaj Metropolis based on Ecologic City, The Internationl Journal Of Humanties & Social Stadies,. Volume 5, Issue5, .pp1-7
77. Shamai, A., karam, A, Yaghubngadasl,N. Lotfi moghadam, sh.(2018). The role of spatial analysis and zonation of landslide vulnerability in urban planning: A Case Study of North West Slopes of Tehran Metropolitan Journal of Geography and Regional Development, Vol 15, No. 2 (2017-2018) – Serial Number 29 27 .
78. Shamai, A., H. Ahar, E. jalaiyan. ( 2018). Analysis of spatial growth pattern - time in Maragheh city using spatial metric methods, Geography Scientific & International Journal of The Iranian Geographical Association, No. 56,pp,75-89.
79. Shamai, A., E. Ali Akbari, A. Movahed, A. Ahmadi. (2018). An analysis of socio-economic impacts of business tourism on borderline cities ( Case study of Baneh and Sardasht cities), Journal of Studies of Human Settlements Planning, Vol 13, No. 43, 323-340.
80. Shamai, A., Yousofi Babadi, S, (2018). An Analysis of Good Governance Role on Sustainable Tourism Revenues (A study on the city of MasjedSeleyman), Journal of Urban Economics and Managemen, Vol 6, No. 24, 81-96.
81. Ahmadi, A; Ali Shamai, Esmaeil Ali akbari; Ali Movahed (2018). Spatial analysis of business tourism reflections within north-west cities of Iran: case study of Baneh,. Journal of Urban Tourism, Vol 5, No. 3, 143-160.
82. Shamai, A., Vahedi, H, (2018). Spatial analysis of crime generation in worn out city textures: case study of Zone 12 of Tehran Municipality, Vol 10, No. 39
83. Shamai A.,(2018). Spatial analysis of crime generation within worn out city parts (Case study of 12th zone of Tehran Municipality)
84. Shamai, A. .,(2018)., Analysis of Spatial Inequalities Based on Health Indicators (Case Study: Tehran Province), Regional Planning Quarterly, Qeshm Institute of Higher Education, 9 (1), 75 – 88.
85. Shamai, A. .,(2018)., Aghaei, V., Mouzzeni, M and Badali. M., Spatial Analysis of Social Inequalities for Land Reconciliation in the Moghan Area., Quarterly Journal of Geographic Space, Golestan University
86. Shamai, A., Analysis of spatial growth pattern - time of Maragheh city using spatial metric methods
87. Shamai, A., Evaluating Space Justice in Urban Areas Case study: Quaternary areas of Shahriar
89 . Shamai, A., Socioeconomic and Socioeconomic Analysis of South Pars Region (Assaluyeh) on Parsian City with Attitude of Land Expansion.
90. Shamai, A., Performance Evaluation of Office of Renovation and Facilitation of Urban Waste Structures with Participatory Urbanism Approach Case study: District 11 of Tehran Municipality
85. Shamai, A., Investigating and analyzing the spatial distribution of urban services in the 38 districts of Tabriz city
86. Shamai, A., Ghasemi, M., Zardostian, F., Hosseinzade, F., Ghayeb zade, S., Evaluation of sport tourism marketing performance in Ardebil
87. Shamai, A., Geotechnical Validation of Delfan City to Develop Tourism
88. Shamai, A., Analysis of City-Village Relations, A Case Study: Zanjan City and Peripheral Settlements,Jornal of Geographic Territory
89. Shamai, A., Measuring the quality of urban spaces design with the approach to improving the security of citizens (Case study: Nusrat neighborhood 6th district of Tehran)
90. Shamai, A., The role of good urban governance on the sustainable earnings of municipalities Case Study: District 19 of Tehran Municipality
91. Shamai, A., Evaluation of quality of life indicators in urban areas
Case study: Sanandaj district
92. Shamai, A., Investigating and evaluating factors affecting the development of urban tourism in Lorestan province
93. Shamai, A., Urban spatial resolution analysis against earthquakes Case study: Tabriz Municipality
94. Shamai, A., Strategic Evaluation of Tourism Development Capabilities (Case Study: Javanrud City), (Under press)
95. Shamai, A., Sustainable ecotourism for the urban sustainable development, Case study: Kanibarzan Wetland Basin in Mahabad, (Under press)
96. Shamai, A., Explaining the strategies for tourism development in Gonbad-e-Kavous city using swot model, (Under press)
97. Shamai, A., Evaluation of the role of citizen participation in the modernization of urban exhausted tissues (Case study: South Salbesil neighborhood), (Under press)
98 . Shamai, A., Theories and approaches of the old and eroded urban texture management of Iran, (Under press)
99. Shamai, A., Comparative Analysis of Social Capital Dimensions in Urban and Rural Areas Case Study: Bukan County, (Under press)
100. Shamai, A., The development of the metropolitan area of Karaj based on the ecological city, Journal of Space alignment
101. Shamai, A., Evaluation of Land Use Indicators in Babol City with an Emphasis on the Desirable Per Capita of a Healthy City, Journal of Geography and Planning
102. Shamai, A., The role of urban spaces in social security of cities (Dowlakah neighborhood, district 19 of Tehran municipality), Journal of Social Issues of Iran
103. Shamai, A., Spatial Analysis of Regional Development in Gulf Coast Provinces During the years 1365 to 1390, (Under press)
104. Shamai, A., Assessing Sustainable Economic Development of Bonab District Using Topsis and AHP Combination Model, (Under press)
105. Shamai, A., Analysis of the role of crisis management in reducing the earthquake hazards in urban areas (Case study: District 2 of Tehran), (Under press)
106. Shamai, A., Investigating and analyzing the spatial development of Gonbad Kavoos city and its effects on peripheral lands of the city using Shannon and Hellendron entropy models, (Under press)
107. Shamai, A., Evaluation of Tourism Development Strategies in Javanrud City, (Under press)
108. Shamai, A., Evaluating per capita use of green space using Geographic Information System (GIS) Case Study: District One District 20 Tehran Municipality, (Under press)
109. Shamai, A., Investigating Social Damage in Samen Mashhad Neighborhood, (Under press)
110. Shamai, A., Spatial analysis of class parking lots using multi-criteria techniques in the GIS environment, (Under press)
111. Shamai, A., The Role of Integrated Urban Management in the Development of Urban Culture in Tehran, (Under press)
112. Shamai, A., and Leveling the areas of Shiraz based on the use of urban green space using the Topsis technique, (Under press)
113. Shamai, A., Assessment and Analysis of the Safety Indicators of Urban Parks in District 6 of Tehran, (Under press)
114. Shamai, A., Spatial Analysis of Urban Services Distribution in the Sphere of Justice: District 2 of Tehran Municipality, (Under press)
115. Shamai, A., Investigating and analyzing the spatial expansion pattern of Famenin city and determining its optimal developmental pattern, (Under press)
116. Shamai, A., Comparative Study of Mehr House Design with Iranian-Islamic City Pattern, (Under press)
117. Shamai, A., Spatial Analysis of Vulnerability of Urban Neighborhoods against Military Attacks, (Under press)
118. Shamai, A., An Analysis on the Development of Octagonal Regions of Ahwaz Using Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Models, (Under press).
8.Scientific extension
1. Shami, Ali (2002).An Investigation and Analysis of Construction of Urban Ecology in Yazd. KAVOSHNAMEH, university of Yazd, Yazd, Iran.
2. Shami, Ali (2003). Tourist and Tourism. Yazd University Press, Yazd, Iran.
3. Shami, Ali (2004).Urgent and discrete physical development of Yazd city and its organizational solutions .Yazd University Press, Yazd, Iran.
4. Shami, Ali (2008).Basics of Professors in Cultural Engineering of Universities of Iran .Human Sciences Quarterly, Basij Professors Organization, Tehran, Iran.
5. Shami, Ali (2009).The role of tourism in the process of convergence and cultural development of Islamic countries. Cultural Research Letter, Cultural Research Quarterly, Tehran. Iran.
6. Shami, Ali (2010).New approaches and attitudes in urban management. Informational Magazine-Educational Research Councils, Tehran, Iran.
7. Shami, Ali (2012).An analysis of spatial distribution and urban green space performance, Research Monthly - Urban Planning and Management. Tehran, Iran.
8. Shami, Ali (2013).investigating the factors and phenomena affecting the incidence of social crimes and social injuries in metropolises (with emphasis on marginalized areas), Geographical Information Quarterly Sepehr. Tehran, Iran.
9. Shami, Ali (2014).An Analysis of Shahrekord's Physical-Spatial Development Model Using Shannon & Hellendron Entropy Models in the Years (1945-1385), Geographical Information Quarterly Sepehr. Tehran, Iran.
10. Shami, Ali. (2014). Spatial Analysis of Physical, Social, and Economic Vulnerability of Martyr-Dashegib Neighborhood, Tehran 9th District, Geographical Information Quarterly Sepehr, Tehran, Iran.
11. Shami, Ali (2014). Worn texture, Vocabulary dictionary of environmental hazards, ((Volume). Supervised: Dr. Bohloul Alijani Edited: Dr. Vahid Riahit his scientific pole of environmental spatial analysis, Kharazmi University). Tehran. Iran.
12. Shami, Ali (2014). Rehabilitation, Vocabulary dictionary of environmental hazards (the scientific pole of environmental spatial analysis, Kharazmi University). Tehran. Iran.
13. Shami, Ali (2014).Renovation, Vocabulary dictionary of environmental hazards (the scientific pole of environmental spatial analysis, Kharazmi University). Tehran. Iran.
14. Shami, Ali (2016).Analysis and evaluation of the third and fourth development plans before the Islamic Revolution of Iran, Quarterly Journal of Geographical Studies and Environmental Planning (Nasim Bamdad) Shahid Beheshti University).tehran.iran.
15. Shami, Ali (2017).The Role of Urban Spatial Analysis in Promoting Sustainable Income of Municipalities, Case Study: Karaj. Quarterly Journal of Urban Management, Urban Researchers. Tehran. iran.
16. Shamai, A. & Moradi, M., Nazari, M. (2016). Analysis of cross-border tourism in order to reach the regional balance, Case study of Sarepole Zahab town. Journal of Transitional Sciences and Technologies, No.3.
9.Conferences Scientific events
1. Shamai, Ali, Uneven and unbalanced development and its effects on the urban network of Yazd province, Conference on Development in Yazd Province Development, 2004, Iran, Yazd.
2. Shamai, Ali, Development of local communities and their impact on empowerment of Tehran's urban management system, Development of Sites, Perspective of Sustainable Development in Tehran, 2004, Iran, Tehran.
3. Shamai, Ali, The role of cooperatives in the development and regional balance of Yazd province, Ministry of Cooperatives and Yazd University, 2004, Iran, Yazd.
4. Shamai, Ali, The role of tourism in the process of cultural convergence of Islamic countries, International Congress of Geographers of the Islamic World, 2005, Iran, Esfahan.
5. Shamai, Ali, Vegetable planting with technological considerations and passive defense, Homeland of the Basij of the faculty of the country, 2007, Iran, Tehran.
6. Shamai, Ali, Pathology of old urban tissues and ways to reduce earthquake hazards; Case study: Yazd city, National Congress of Urban Textile Towards and Perspective of Sustainable Development, 2008, Itan, Ahwaz.
7. Shamai, Ali, The role of indigenous urban planning in modern urbanization Case study: Yazd city, National Congress of Urban Textile Towards and Perspective of Sustainable Development, 2008, Iran, Ahwaz.
8. Shamai, Ali, The status of indigenous urbanization in the protection of the cultural and historical heritage of the Gulf region: Case study, Kish Island, Persian Gulf National Congress, 2009, Iran, Kish.
9. Shamai, Ali, The Role of Traffic Management in Sustainable Development, Second National Conference on Healthy City, Sabzevar University of Health Sciences, 2010, Iran, Sabzevar.
10. Shamai, Ali, (2011) Analysis of seismic vulnerability of areas of Tehran using SAW version, First National Conference on spatial analysis of environmental hazards in Tehran, Iran, Tehran.
11. Azadeh Azimi, Shamai, Ali, (2011) Analysis of individualist economic attitude and changes in the urban fabric in Iran, The first conference of Iran Urban Economics, Iran, Mashhad.
12. Shamai, Ali, Amin Faraji, Azadeh Azimi (2011) Regional environmental planning and assessment of quality of life, 11th Congress geographers of Iran, Iran, Tehran.
13. Shamai, Ali, Analysis of Factors Affecting the Development of Tourism Industry in Takht Soleyman Town of Takab, Using Strategic Model, National Conference on Geography and Tourism in the Third Millennium,2012, Iran.
14. Shamai, Ali, Examining the components of residential buildings in different climatic zones and the role of environmental features in construction, Structural National Congress - Road, Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Chalus Branch, 2012, Iran, Chalous.
15. Shamai, Ali, Marzieh Nasiri, Zahra Barati (2012) Scientific management strategies to exploit the desert, Yazd, First National Conference on Desertification, Iran, Tehran.
16. Shamai, Ali, (2013) The Role of Free Trade Zones to expand tourism and its environmental impacts on beaches in the context of sustainable development (Case study: Qeshm Island), The Ninth National Conference on Persian Gulf, Iran, Tehran.
17. Shamai, Ali, Hamidreza Talkhabi, Alireza Khajebahrami (2013) Analysis of old and new architecture in Arak, with an emphasis on the effect of climate, Conference on sustainable architecture and urban development, Iran, Boukan.
18. Shami, Ali, (2013) Spatial analysis of urban land-use compatibility to reduce environmental hazards in case of Tehran Municipality Region, The second international conference on environmental hazards, Iran, Tehran.
19. Shamai, Ali, (2013) Geomorphological factors in developing ways to assess the role of the city and its zoning using fuzzy logic (Case Study: City Kuhdasht), The second international conference on environmental hazards, Iran, Tehran.
20. Shamai, Ali, Masoumeh Nozarian (2013) Spatial analysis of green space nine regions of Shiraz, The second international conference on environmental hazards, Iran, Tehran.
21. Shamai, Ali, Faezeh Arjmandi, Maryam Akbari (2013) The role of tourism in sustainable rural development Case Study: The village Khoshvash city of Amol, National Tourism Conference, geography and stable environment, Iran, Hamadan.
22. Shamai, Ali, (2013) Investigate the development of Sardasht city development strategies CDS approach, International Conference of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Sustainable Urban Development, Iran, Tabriz
23. Shamai, Ali, Fatemeh Fadaie (2013) City Development Strategy (CDS) new approach for optimal management of new cities, Fourth International Conference on Sustainability and Urban Development Conference, Iran, Esfahan.
24. Shamai, Ali, Doris Nouri, Sajad Gasemi (2013) Optimize environmental feasibility and impact of the preparation of regional towns (CASE STUDY; Divandareh), Third International Conference on Environmental Planning and Management, Iran, Tehran.
25. Shamai, Ali, Nemat Kordeh (2014) Analysis of Impacts on tourism in the city of Mahabad by using SWOT, National Conference on Geography, urban planning and sustainable development, Iran, Tehran
26. Shamai, Ali, Movahed mohammadali, Ahmadi ali, Daemi sima (2014) Environmental effects of physical-spatial expansion of Yazd, Third International Conference on Environmental Planning and Management, Iran, Tehran.
27. Mojdeh Hoseini, Shamai, Ali, Faegh Mahmoudi, Hadi Saiedi (2014) Study and analyze the compatibility of education in District 16 of Tehran spaces using GIS, First International Conference and Urban Development Conference, Iran, Sanandaj.
28. Shamai, Ali, Sajad Hoseinpour(2014) Yasouj physical spatial analysis to ensure sustainability of the urban environment, First National Conference on geography, urban planning and sustainable development, Iran, Tehran.
29. Shamai, Ali (2014) Climate conditions of Arak in order to develop tourism industry, National Conference on Architecture, Civil and modern urban development, Iran, Tabriz.
30. Shamai, Ali, Nafiseh Asadtabar, Farzaneh Azizi (2014) Spatial analysis - physical Amol approach based on smart urban growth, The first national conference on intelligent cities, Isfahan2014.
31. Shamai, Ali, Ali Movahed, manzahar Ahmadi and Soran Mostafavi Sahib (2014) Developed spatial analysis of Kurdistan province (with the emphasis on a regional approach), The first Conference of Iran Geographical Sciences 2014, Iran, Tehran.
32. Shamai, Ali,( 2015) Spatial Analysis of Urban City Network of Isfahan Province with Emphasis on the Status of Isfahan City, The first conference of geographic sciences of Iran, , Iran, Tehran.
33. Shamai, Ali, Amir asadi (2014) Assess the quality of urban life with an emphasis on social indicators of housing(case study: North Selbsil neighborhood) , National Conference on Urban Planning, Urban Management and Sustainable Development, December, Iran, Tehran.
34. Shamai, Ali, Nila Poshkian, Dr. Mohammad Saeed Izadi, (2014) Sustainable urban development taking advantage of public transportation (case study: Hamadan City), National Conference on sustainable architecture and urban landscape, Iran, Tehran.
35. Shamai, Ali, Sharbanou Mosavi, Mostafa Norouzi (2014), Analysis of Intervention and Organization of Urban Worn out texture (case study : Norooz Abad Neighborhood in Ilam, International Center Of Academic Communication (ICOAC University), Poland, Szczecin.
36. Shamai, Ali, Ali Movahed, Mazhar Ahmadi, Souran Mostafavi (2014) People participation in Worn - Out Textures Restoration , Case Study: Karaj City Region 9, International Center Of Academic Communication (ICOAC University), Poland, Szczecin.
37. Shamai, Ali, Farzaneh Sasanpour, Mohammad Soleimani, Mohsen Ahadnejad, Taghi Heydari (2015), Distressed Areas livability of a new approach to sustainable urban development, International Conference on the earth, space and clean energy, Iran, Ardabil.
38. Shamai, Ali, Elham Valizadeh, Somayeh Sadeghi(2016), The role of good urban governance on the sustainable revenues of municipalities, Case: 19th District of Tehran Municipality, National Conference on Geosciences, , Iran, Ardebil.
39. Shamai, Ali, Hojjat Mirzazadeh,( 2017) (The Effects of Modernism on Spatial Development of Islamic Iranian Cities Case Study: Miandoab City, Civil Engineering, Architecture and Crisis Management Seminar, , Iran, Tehran.
40. Ali Shamaei, Moslem Ghasemi,(2017) An Evaluation of Sport Tourism Marketing Performance on The Economic and Social Development in Ardabil City, Iran, The First International Congress On Future Of Tourism:Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability, Turkey, Mersin.
41. Shamai, Ali, Hanieh Asadzadeh,( 2017) The physical-physical changes of the Iranian-Islamic city from tradition to globalization, 13 th Geographic Congress of Iran, Geographical Organization and Geographical Society of Iran, , Iran, Tehran.
42. Ali Safaei, Sadegh Haji Nejad, Afsaneh Fakhri Pour Mohammadi.(2018) Analysis of the developments of the spatial organization of the Iranian urban system during the years 1956 to 2016, 13th, Geographical Organization and Geographical Society of Iran, Iran, Tehran.
43. Shamaei , Ali & Ghasemi Moslem, (2018), .Diversification Strategies for Rural Economy through Tourism
Development (Case Study of Cariak Village, Dena Township, Iran The Second International Congress On Future Of Tourism:Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability TURKEY Mersin
44. Ali Movahed, Ali Shamaei.Ecotourism (2018) Development Strategies for Sustainable Development of Urban Areas: Case Study of Mahabad City, The Second International Congress On Future Of Tourism:Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability TURKEY Mersin.
Supervisor and advisor of Thesis; projects executive and collaborative, More than 150 cases.
Educational records
Graduation Date
Total mean
Bachelor of Science
University of Tehran
Tehran Province
Master of Science
University of Tehran
Tehran Province
University of Tehran
Tehran Province
Translation Skill
Dialogue Skill
Professional skills
Date of activity
City Engine
Phyton Scripting For ArcGIS
Google Map
Google Earth
Academic & scientific positions
Responsibilities Titles
Name of Organization
Starting Date
Termination Date
Director of the Department of Urban and Regional Studies area of central Iran, Yazd University Institute for Human Sciences
Yazd University
Assistant superintendent of student, kharazmi University, Campus of Tehran
Kharazmi University of Tehran
Student Assistant of Kharazmi University
Kharazmi University of Tehran
Secretary of the Special Commission of Kharazmi University
Kharazmi University of Tehran
Council to investigate specific cases of Tehran universities and higher education institutions (Ministry of Science, Research and Technology)
Ministry of Science, Research and Technology
Candidate Eighth Parliament Elections, the Constituency Ardestān City
Ministry of Interior
The Executive Committee Representative to Attract Faculty Members of the Working Group on the Ability of Applicants to Join the Faculty
Kharazmi University of Tehran
Member of Attracting Excellent Faculty Members in the Bands History and Geography Award
Kharazmi University of Tehran
Attract faculty member of the Executive Board Award from the Center of Attraction Secretary of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology
Ministry of Science, Research and Technology
Top Festival Jury Member Scientific Committee Research and Innovation in Urban Management, Planning and Research Center in Tehran
Planning and Research Center in Tehran
Commission Set up Cultural, Educational and Social Audit Board Kharazmi University
Kharazmi University of Tehran
Festival Jury Member Scientific Committee Top of Research and Innovation in Urban Management
Planning and Research Center in Tehran
The Executive Committee Representative in the Working Group Reviewed Scientific Potential Applicants Kharazmi College Attract Faculty Member in the School of Geographical Sciences
Kharazmi University of Tehran
Imam Ali Fund Board of Trustees in Kharazmi University
Kharazmi University of Tehran
Inspection Governor in Parliament in The Parliamentary Election in the Constituency City Shemiranat
Ministry of Interior
Student Welfare Fund Chief Representative to Address and Resolve Issues and Student Welfare Alborz Province by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology
Ministry of Science, Research and Technology
Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Urban Areas Studies at the University of Kerman
University of Kerman
Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Urban Ecology, University of Peyam Nour
University of Peyam Nour
Secretary of Dispute Resolution and Disciplinary Council at Kharazmi University’s Students Guidance Council
Kharazmi University of Tehran
Geography and Urban Planning Commission Member Specialized in Geography and Planning Committee of Specialized Commissions
Kharazmi University of Tehran
Awards & honors
Chosen Cultural Researcher, 2011
Top Researcher in Yazd Province, 2002
Chosen Seventh Period of Dissertation of Student Choice In 2002
Provincial Choice Seventh National Assembly Privileged Students and Scholars Country 1999
Elected The Best PhD Student In 1997
University Chosen The Best Research In 2015
Research interests
Start date
Urban and Regional Spatial Development
Urban Rehabilitation and Renovation and informal Settlements
Urban Spatial Analysis
Urban Tourism
Theses supervised
Spatial analysis of leisure time in Tehran, a case study: areas 19 and 22
مهناز بهمنی
Analysis of Neighborhood Development with Intelligent City Approach in District 17 of Tehran
فرشاد تقی پور
Analisis of the factors effecting on urban resilience against earth quake hazards (The case: Pars- Abad town)
ایت جهانبانی
معصومه جلیلی
Analysis of Tourists' Mental Behavior with Creative Tourism Attitude Case study: district 12
افسانه فخری پورمحمدی
Spatial Matching of the Community and Neighbourhood in the Metropolis Discourse
(Case Study: Tehran Metropolis)
مظهر احمدی
Analysis of Sustainable Tourism Capacity in Yazd City
منصور ارجمندی مروست
Analyzing Gender Urban Places(spaces) According to the Right to the City Approach
مرضیه صفری
High-ranking analysis and renovation of worn-out urban structures
شیما رحیمی نژاد
testExplaining the Effects of Specialization of Activities on around urban Spaces in the Central Part of Tehran
(Case study Region 12 of Tehran)
معصومه رادمنش
spatial analysis of Ecological Infrastructures in the shiraz
مسعود کرمی
Analysis of the role of urban regeneration in improving the viability of worn tissues
(Case study: Hadiabad neighborhood of Qazvin)
جواد زنگنه
عنوان( انگلیسی): Evaluation of urban policy-making with emphasis on reducing energy consumption in housing consumption: (Study of District 10 of Tehran)
حدیث نصیرزاده
Futures Studies of the Branding City Case Study: Qom City
زینب محبی فردویی
Investigation and evaluation of smart urban growth in the 22 metropolitan area of Tehran
فاطمه جلیلیان
testExplain the realization of hybrid urban space in the age of information society (Case Study: Tehran Metropolis)
سعید حیدری نیا
Analyzing the role of physical structure on the urban livability of a sample of the one area of the metropolitan city of Tehran
غلامرضا دلاوری
Analyzing the capacities and obstacles of tourism development in Karbala province of Iraq
زید عنیبی
Ecological resilience analysis of coastal cities (Case study: Bandar Abbas)
سیمین السادات کاظمی
Analysis the annexed zones toward improve the level of sustainability with urban village pattern (Case study: sari city)
سحر مهدوی
Analysis of informal settlement centers with sustainable urban regeneration approach studied in Farahzad area of Tehran
نفیسه گوهریان
Evaluation of social housing policies in Shar-e qods city
معصومه کریمی
Evaluating the policies of organizing informal housing centers with the approach of urban productivity (case study: Golshahr neighborhood of Mashhad)Community Verified icon
روح اله بلخی
Spatial analysis of land and housing prices in sanandaj city
مهران بهرامی
Explaining the process of urban shrinkage in border cities of Iran with emphasis on urban sustainability (Case study: Arkavaz Malekshahi – Ilam)
علی محمد منصورزاده
Analysis of urban physical development management with a good governance approach (case study: Shahryar city)
علیرضا قربانی
Analysis of Key Factors Influencing the Resilience of Small Cities (Case Study: Varamin City)
علی اکبر تجری
Investigating the effects of the Tehran's Great Mosalla on the surrounding neighborhoods (the case: Abbas Abad neighborhood in District 7 of Tehran Mmunicipality)
فروغ اسکندری نسب سیاهکوهی
Analysis of the role of city expansion on changing the ecological infrastructure of Bojnord city
علی ایمانی
Comparative analysis of the role of urban creativity in improving the physical quality of the environment (case study: regions 2 and 4 of Qom city)
محمدمهدی عباسی
Theses advised
Tourism experiences analysis of urban destinations case study؛ Yazd city
نسیم صانعی
Spatial analysis of the relation between inflation and housing price in Tehran
الهه مسکینی
Ecological resilience analysis of Tehran Region 2
شبنم ابوالحسنی
Evaluation of ecological potential to determine areas of urban development (Case study: Karaj)
بتول اکبری وردوم
Explaining of spatial foundations of Tehran's urban region competitiveness in the globalization process
هانیه اسدزاده
Analysis of the role of garden use change in ecological resilience of District 1 of Tehran Municipality
فاطمه محبی
Analysis of the role of urban green infrastructure changes on the ecological resilience of one Tehran municipality region
فاطمه محبی
Analysis of the role of urban spatial structure in environmental resilience (Case study: Tabriz Metropolitan)
مهدی شیری پور
FuturismIntelligence realization in metropolises (Case study:Tabriz metropolis)
فاطمه اعتماد
Analysis of the role of smart environment on promoting the sustainability of metropolises(Case study of tehran metropolis)
سیامند سلیمان زاده
Analyzing Physical Changes and Future study of Tehran's Urban Fringe (The Case: The northern fringe of Tehran Municipality)
سیدفرهاد خدابخشی
Future research on the consequences of the ecological footprint of Tehran metropolis on its sustainability horizon 1420
بابک مرادی
Analysis of the effects of climatic migrations on the livability of metropolises (case study: Bala Hesarek neighborhood, Karaj metropolis)
ملیکا بخششی
Analysis of the effects of climatic migrations on the livability of metropolises (case study Hesarak bala meighborhood, karaj metropolis)
ملیکا بخششی
Analyzing the Environmental Indicators of Urban life Health in District 20 of Tehran Municipality
امیر ازمون
Course taught
Lesson Title
Place & Date of Lecture
Urban Pathology
Kharazmi University of Tehran
Principles and Methods of Urban planning
Kharazmi University of Tehran
Development and Urban Renewal
Kharazmi University of Tehran
Iranian Cities and Urban Development Plans
Kharazmi University of Tehran
Research Method
Kharazmi University of Tehran
Law and Municipal Laws
Kharazmi University of Tehran
Urbanization and Urban Planning in Iran
Kharazmi University of Tehran
Population Analysis
Kharazmi University of Tehran
Planning and Regional School and Geographical Theories
Kharazmi University of Tehran
Urban Land Use Planning
Kharazmi University of Tehran
The Theoretical Foundations of Islamic Cities
Kharazmi University of Tehran
Published books
Publish Date
Urban Rehabilitation and Renovation a Geographic Perspective
Ali Shamaei - Ahmad Purahmad
Tehran University Press
Qualitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences
Ali Shamaei
Yazd University Press
Indigenous Urban Planning and Modern in Iran
Ali Shamaei
Land Use Planning and Regional Planning in Arid Regions of Iran
Ali Shamaei
Land, Beaches North and South of Iran
Ali Shamaei
The Principles and Methods of Urban Planning in Iran
Ali Shamaei
Urban Geography of Iran
Ali Shamaei
Ideologies, Theories and Spatial Policies in Geography and Urban Planning
Ali Shamaei
Published articles
Paper title
Magazine title
Publish year
Publish type
Article type
Land use evaluation and capacity assessment for sustainable urban physical development: case of study Ahvaz city
ALI Shamaie, Kamran Jafarpour Ghalehteimouri
City, Territory and Architecture
Full Text
Evaluating the impact of Zanjan city's economic drivers on the quality of life in peri-urban villages: a case study of Do Asb and Payin Kouh villages
ALI Shamaie, Kamran Jafarpour Ghalehteimouri
Frontiers of Urban and Rural Planning
Full Text
Effects of Aging on Income Inequality: Developing Countries vs. Developed Countries
Hossein Amiri, MH Karim, ALI Shamaie
International Journal of Business and Development Studies
Full Text
Analysis of Effective Factors on the way of spending of leisure time in Tehran (Case study: District 12 of Tehran)
ALI MOVHD, ALI Shamaie, Mahnaz Bahmani
Full Text
Original Article
Investigating of the Effective Factors on Housing Prices in district of Laleh Park, Tehran
ALI Shamaie, Mahsa Delfannasab, mohammad porakrami
Full Text
Original Article
Effectiveness of spatial justice in sustainable development and classification of sustainability in Tehran province
Kamran Jafarpour Ghalehteimouri, ALI Shamaie, Faizah Binti Che Ros
Regional Statistics
Full Text
Spatial Capacity Assessment of Infill-development in Borojerd
mohammad mehrafzon, AHMAD ZANGANH, ALI Shamaie, Parizadi Taher, Tajeddin Karami
Full Text
Original Article
Assessment of Public Transportation system in Isfahan Metropolis with Emphasis on BRT lines
Mehdi Allahdadi_, ALI Shamaie, FARZANH SASANPOUR
Full Text
Original Article
Analysis of the Vulnerability of Urban Decayed Textures of Kashan City against Earthquake
ALI Shamaie, Atefeh Daneshvar Khorram, Ahmad Ravanbakhsh, Majid Afsar
Full Text
Original Article
Analysis of Impacts of Promoting the Political Position of Ardabil on the spatial development of the city
ALI Shamaie, KAMANROUDI MOUSA, Seyyd ali Khalili omaslan sofla
Full Text
Original Article
The Spatial analysis of social inequalities in moghan region
ALI Shamaie, Vahed Aghaei, mehdi moazzeni, ahad badali
Full Text
Original Article
Reduced Consequences of Planning in a Detailed Plan Map in Shiraz
Sajjad Ahmadi, ALI MOVHD, ALI Shamaie
Full Text
Original Article
Analyzing the Effectiveness of Urban Development Stimulus Projects, Case Study, Daneshjoo Park, Tehran
ALI Shamaie, Parizadi Taher, Babak Badakhshan
Full Text
Original Article
Analysis of the Role of Regeneration of Ardakan Old Texture in Urban Tourism Development
ALI Shamaie, ALI MOVHD, Hasan Rezapour mirsaleh
Full Text
Original Article
The Spatial Analysis of Resilience of Old Neighborhoods located in The central area of Tabriz city
Full Text
Original Article
An Evaluation of Environment Quality in Public Areas with an Emphasis on Rudaki and Azerbaijan Streets in North Salsabil Neighborhood Based on PPS (Public Spaces Projects)
ALI MOVHD, ALI Shamaie, Amir Asadi kolomoti
Full Text
Original Article
Spatial analysis of resilience against earthquake in Tabriz districts
ALI Shamaie, Hojjat Mirzazadeh garyagdey
Full Text
Original Article
Neighborhood assessment in urban renewal and renovation projects Case Study (District 10 of Tehran)
ALI MOVHD, ALI Shamaie, Nabi Ohani zenouz
Full Text
Original Article
Spatial analysis of crime in Urban worn out texture (Case Study: District 12 of Tehran)
ALI Shamaie, Sayed hosain Vahedinejad
Full Text
Original Article
An analysis spatial inequality based on health and care indicator (Case study: Counties of Tehran province)
firouz jafari, ALI Shamaie, AFSHAR HATAMI
Full Text
Original Article
An Analysis of Good Governance Role on Sustainable Tourism Revenues (A study on the city of MasjedSeleyman)
ALI Shamaie, Saeed Yousefi
Full Text
Original Article
Socio- economic effects analysis of commercial tourism on the border towns of the Iran (Case study: Baneh and Sardasht Towns)
ALI Shamaie, Smaiel ali akbari, ALI MOVHD, Ali Ahmadi
Full Text
Original Article
Spatial pattern analysis of business tourism in the North West cities of Iran, Case Study ; Baneh city
Ali Ahmadi, ALI Shamaie, Esmaeil Ali akbari, ALI MOVHD
Full Text
Original Article
Analysis of spatial growth pattern - time in Maragheh city using spatial metric methods
ALI Shamaie, Hassan Ahar, Eshagh jalaiyan
Full Text
Original Article
Spatial Analysis Livability of Urban Neighborhoods (Case Study 18th Region of Tehran)
Mohammad Ghafarian, Parizadi Taher, ALI Shamaie, Mohammad reza Khatibi zadeh, Amin Shahsavar
Full Text
Original Article
Measuring and evaluating urban neighborhood s resilience against earthquake the case of Zanjan downtown
said zarghami, hasan mohammadiyn mosammam, asghar tymuri, ALI Shamaie
Full Text
Original Article
The role of Spatial Analysis and Zonation of Landslide Vulnerability in Urban Planning A Case Study of North West Slopes of Tehran Metropolitan
ALI Shamaie, Amir Karam, Nazila Yaghoob Nejad Asl,
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Original Article
Assessing the Quality of Life in Harsin City
ALI Shamaie, mahnaz hossini syahgoli, Saeed Heydari nia
Full Text
Original Article
The Analysis of Livability in Urban Distressed Areas old textures of Zanjan (A Case Study)
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Original Article
The Analysis of Factors Affecting the Livability in Urban Distressed Areas old textures ofZanjan (A Case Study)
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Original Article
Assessment the quality of life in new towns (case study new town of Parand)
ALI Shamaie, Amin Shahsavar
Territory sarzamin
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Original Article
Evaluation of satisfaction of the citizens of urban development plans (The Case of Salman Farsi walk the streets of Ahvaz)
ALI Shamaie, Saeed Yousefi
Full Text
Original Article
The Analysis of Urban Neighborhoods Sustainability by Using of Multi-criteria Decision-making Methods (Case Study 6th Region Neighborhoods of Tehran)
ALI Shamaie, FARZANH SASANPOUR, Servat Moradi
Full Text
Original Article
The Analysis of Spatial Reflections of Commercial Tourism in the North-West Frontier of Iran (case study Baneh City)
ALI Shamaie, Esmael aliakbary, ALI MOVHD, Ali Ahmadi
Helix International Journal
Full Text
Original Article
Zonation and Spatial Planning Based on Physical- Spatial Characteristics Case Study City of Urmia
ALI Shamaie, nazeila yaghoob nejad, Khadijeh Saeedi, Roghayeh Amiri
Full Text
Original Article
Assessment of citizens satisfaction with underground subway function in Tehran (case study underground project in Vali Asr Tehran)
ALI Shamaie, Afsaneh Fakhripoormohamadi, AHMAD ZANGANH, Parizadi Taher
Full Text
Original Article
Traditional and new textures Analysis and provide native indexeUrban Development Plannings Case study Arak city (historical Textures and Amir Kabir)
, ALI Shamaie, zohre davudpur, Asghar Shakibaiee
Full Text
Original Article
Spatial analysis of population and municipal services with the approach of spatial justice Case Study the city Khorramabad)
ALI Shamaie, Somayeh Teymouri, Hossein Bahrami Asl
Full Text
Original Article
Citizens satisfaction with the performance of subways in Tehran case study the project underpass intersection in Tehran s Valiasr
ALI Shamaie, Afsaneh Fakhri poor mohammad, AHMAD ZANGANH, Parizadi Taher
Full Text
Original Article
Dimensions viability in district 17 in Tehran
ALI Shamaie, Leila Bigdeli
Full Text
Original Article
Investigation of Compatibility Index in Urban Land Use Planning in Order to Stabilization the City s Economy Case Study Tehran 1st District
ALI Shamaie, Babak Lotfi moghadam
Full Text
Original Article
Spatial Analysis of Rubbery Crimes in Qorveh City
ALI Shamaie, Mohammad Waysian, Azadeh Asghari, Sara Kamangar
Full Text
Original Article
Spatial analysis decrepit urban environmental quality tissues (Case Study District 11 of Tehran Municipality)
ALI Shamaie, Afsaneh Fakhri poor mohammad
urban regions study
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Original Article
Spatial analysis of the level of development in Kurdistan province
ALI Shamaie, bagher ahmadi
Full Text
Original Article
The role of cities in promoting sustainable revenues municipal spatial analysis case study the city of Karaj
ALI Shamaie, Reza Sharifi forduei
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Original Article
Spatial - physical analysis of development the city of Karaj with an emphasis on smart urban growth indices
ALI Shamaie, ,
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Original Article
spatial analysis on the development of border markets in baneh and piranshahr
ALI Shamaie, ,
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Original Article
Spatial analysis of the urban network of Kermanshah province ( 1375 to 1390 )
ALI Shamaie, Hassan Rahmati tapeh rasht, Sharif HajetasH,
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Original Article
Spatial analysis of vulnerability of urban neighborhoods in Piranshahr with passive defense approach
ALI Shamaie, Loqman Mostafa poor,
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Original Article
Analysis and evaluation of development programs in third and fourth before the Islamic Revolution
ALI Shamaie, Mahsa Noroozian
Geographical Study Natutal Planning
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Original Article
Assess the viability of distressed areas and strategies to strengthen it (Case study old texture of Zanjan)
Sustainable City
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Original Article
Evaluation the land use indexes of Babel city by emphasis on Healthy City s per capita
ALI Shamaie, ,
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Original Article
Local development strategies with a collaborative approach through the facilitation offices of distressed texture of Jomhouri neighborhood in Tehran
ALI Shamaie
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Original Article
Searching the spatial structure of urban system in Kerman province (1390- 1335)
ALI Shamaie, Sadegh Hajinejad,
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Original Article
Measuring the quality of environment in urban neighborhoods and planning for sustainable environment (Case Study City neighborhoods of Saqez )
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Original Article
Factors influencing citizen participation in community management
ALI Shamaie, Hamed Abya,
management science letters
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Original Article
Tourism Development in Taleqan city by using the bioclimatic index and Swot
ALI Shamaie, ,
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Original Article
The Determining of Tourism Climate Calendar of Chosen Geomorphosites in Kermanshah Province by Pereira and TCI index
, ALI MOVHD, ALI Shamaie,
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Original Article
Assessment and Feasibility of Tourism Development in the Kanibarazan Wetland of Mahabad Iran.
ALI Shamaie, Ali reza Saeli, Sadegh Hajinejad
Journal of Civil Engineering and Urbanis
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Original Article
Investigation and analysis on the development of urban systems Ilam province during 1345-1385
ALI Shamaie,
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Original Article
Spatial analysis metropolitan area networks in Khorasan during the years 1335 to 1390
ALI Shamaie,
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Original Article
Using multivariate analysis decision making ( electre ) in the ranking of regions in Ahwaz
ALI Shamaie, Nader Tabehi,
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Original Article
Vulnerability Assessment city buildings with fuzzyAHP model and GIS Case Study Tehran 3rd District
, ALI Shamaie, , Ali Eshghei jharborj,
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Original Article
Spatial analysis of drug offenses in Tehran Metropolis (Case Study Tehran 2nd District )
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Original Article
Marginalized urban empowerment strategies by using QSPM ( Case Study Shohada s town of Songor)
ALI Shamaie, Javad Malekan,
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Original Article
Evaluation of the Effects of implementation the guide plan on rural settlements
ALI Shamaie, Fereshteh Ahmadabadi,
journal of research and rural planning
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Original Article
Assessment of the components of spatial-physical development the master plan for the city of Bijar
ALI Shamaie, ,
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Original Article
Analysis of the Development Planning of Sardasht City with approach the urban development strategy (CDS)
ALI Shamaie, Avat Abdolahi, Mohsen Yousefi Feshki
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Original Article
Spatial Analysis of Khorasan Urban Network (1956- 2011)
ALI Shamaie, Sadegh Hajinejad
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Original Article
The Role of Mosques as Centers of Giving Identity in the Neighborhoods of Tehran City A Case Study of Ahmadieh Mosque in Narmak Neighborhood Iran
Ali reza Saeli, ALI Shamaie,
World Applied Programming
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Original Article
Physical spatial analysis of Yasuj city for the purpose of urban environment sustainability
ALI Shamaie,
Journal of Civil Engineering and Urbanism
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Original Article
The Arrangement of Special Reference System of Cities in Iran based on Different Provinces of the Country during 1956-2011
ALI Shamaie, Ali reza Saeli,
International Journal of Economy Management and Social Sciences
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Original Article
Set priorities for restoration and management of repair worn out tissues studied the central part of city arak
ALI Shamaie,
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Original Article
Investigate and analyze the degree of citizen participation in urban management with an emphasis on neighborhood management (Case Study Neighborhood destroyer the fourth district a region of Tehran )
ALI Shamaie, ,
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Original Article
Locate Regional Museum in Gilan
ALI MOVHD, ALI Shamaie, ,
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Original Article
Measurement of neighborhood identity in Tehran with emphasis on the role of public institutions (Case Study District 7 of Tehran )
r j, ALI Shamaie, esmaeil jahani dolat abad
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Original Article
Globalization and Islamic cities in the Middle East
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Original Article
Leisure comparative analysis applications Isfahan Municipality in the period 1385 - 1375
ALI Shamaie, ,
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Original Article
Spatial analysis of urban crime in 22 districts of Tehran metropolis
ALI Shamaie, , Mohamad Eyn shahi mirza
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Original Article
Comparative analysis of physical-spatial inequality in the Islamic world metropolises of Tehran and Cairo
, ALI Shamaie, ALI MOVHD
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Original Article
Assessment of damage caused by the earthquake in the region one of Tehran using GIS
ALI Shamaie, , Babak Lotfi moghadam
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Original Article
Evaluating the performance of municipalities on urban good governance (Case Study Yasouj )
ALI Shamaie, ,
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Original Article
Recognition physical identity in Islamic cities (case study Rey )
ALI MOVHD, ALI Shamaie, Abolfazl Zanganeh
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Original Article
Study and Analysis of Population and Housing in Bushehr during the years 1365 to 1385 and forecast up to 1405
ALI Shamaie,
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Original Article
The effects of vertical development of neighborhood identity Case Study District 7 of Tehran
, ALI Shamaie
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Original Article
Measure the satisfaction of Babolsar University students
ALI Shamaie,
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Original Article
The cities of Isfahan province in terms of tourism infrastructure and AHP model Topsis
ALI Shamaie,
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Original Article
Inequality analysis of quality of life measures in babolsar s neighborhoods
ALI Shamaie, , ,
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Original Article
The effects on quality of life of residents in the rural areas
ALI Shamaie, ,
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Original Article
Analysis of hierarchy vulnerability in Babolsar city neighborhoods to reduce earthquake hazards
ALI Shamaie, ,
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Original Article
The role of traditional urban patterns in modern city of Yazd
ALI Shamaie
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Original Article
User pathology secondary school in Ilam using GIS
ALI Shamaie,
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Original Article
Survey of Approaches to the organization of urban old textures Iran
ALI Shamaie,
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Original Article
Analysis of the policies and programs of rehabilitation and urban renewal programs in developing countries
ALI Shamaie,
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Original Article
Uneven development of urban space and its effects on the ecology of the city of Yazd
ALI Shamaie
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Original Article
Physical development and its impact on the population structure of the old texture of Yazd
ALI Shamaie,
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Original Article
Presented articles
Presentation type
Ecotourism Development Strategies for Sustainable Development of urban areas
Ali Movahed, ALI Shamaie
The Second International Congress On Future Of Tourism:Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability - Turkey
Diversification Strategies for Rural Economy through Tourism Development
Moslem Ghasemi, ALI Shamaie
The Second International Congress On Future Of Tourism:Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability - Turkey
Diversification Strategies for Rural Economy through Tourism Development (Case Study of Cariak Village Dena Township Iran)
ALI Shamaie, Moslem Ghasemi
The Second International Congress on Future of TourismInnovation Entrepreneurship and Sustainability - Turkey
An Evaluation of Sport Tourism Marketing Performance on The Economic and Social Development in Ardabil City Iran
ALI Shamaie, Moslem Ghasemi
THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON FUTURE OF TOURISM Innovation Entrepreneurship and Sustainability - Turkey
People participation in Worn - Out Textures Restoration Case Study Karaj City Region 9
ALI Shamaie, , ,
International Center Of Academic Communication (ICOACUniversity of Szczecin In Poland -
Analysis of Intervention and Organization of Urban Worn out texture (case study Norooz Abad Neighborhood in Ilam
ALI Shamaie, , ,
International Center Of Academic Communication (ICOACUniversity of Szczecin In Poland) -